On the way we explored the idea of healthy salmon habitat. In order to spawn, they need clear, cold, and clean water. So our job would be to help that happen. By removing some non-native plant species, we would make room for the native species to flourish and provide the stable soil and shady places needed around the creek area. We compared one side of the bridge, where work has already been done, to our side—we certainly have our work cut out for us!
Red Tailed Eyas recognized some friends as we came across the Grey Fox Kits, an Explorers Club group slightly younger than us. They had already been there for an hour and we were excited to work alongside them in this joint service endeavor. Eventually they phased out and we got even more involved in removing Himalayan blackberry and Reed Cannarygrass.
Along with the great service efforts, we played games and transferred our energy from work to play throughout the day. We played Deer O Deer Come Run through My Forest and even a variation on our favorite game, Hide, calledHide-Tag. We tromped through the land, enjoyed snacks, and climbed trees. It is important that we celebrate the land and appreciate it through engagement and activities. Otherwise we aren’t as interested in doing service. The play and the work go hand-in-hand; we can’t have one without the other. This mentor hopes we all remember to balance our work with our play.
The last piece to recognize is that the Red-Tailed Eyas are the sixth group to do work here this season. From last spring through now, there have been ten outings here at four hours each. When we start to multiply these numbers by 12 participants per group and add mentors and other volunteer contributions, we are talking about a big project. We have removed tremendous amounts of non-native plant material in this amount of time. We have a long way to go, but we are making noticeable headway. We should remember the Explorers Clubmotto, Many Hands Light Work. We can see it in action at our Connelly Creek service site.
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